Interior Design Consultation by Alexander Titaua is a decoration and space optimization service. Alexander Titaua’s interior design advice will certainly enable you to transform and also optimize your interior without having to resort to major works: layout plan, new trends, choice of furnitures, luminosity, colors and also materials.
Through this first contact, our objective chiefly will be to understand your needs and expectations. This first approach will certainly allow us to evaluate different personalized options.
In a second step, we will carry out a diagnosis following a quiz that you will complete. The assessment will allow us to gather all the necessary information on which we will base our proposals for adapted and also personalized solutions.
A visit on site certainly allows to obtain a more concrete idea of the development which could be carried out. Our expertise will certainly allow us to identify all the elements still unknown and present on site in order to build a comprehensive file.
A final recommendation file is presented and transmitted to you. This file includes 3 layout plans of your interior space and a personalized Moodboard allowing you to obtain customized layout solutions with your style.
Through valuable advice, our design team will guide you to solve your interior problems. By providing quick and easy solutions, we help you turn your ideas into reality while making the most of your interior.